Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Resume Writing For Entry Level Position

Resume Writing For Entry Level PositionThe resume writing for entry level position is something that can be a great plus or a minus in determining whether or not an individual will get hired. You want to make sure that you have a job ready resume as well as a cover letter that will be both professional and to the point, which will be eye catching enough to get a person's attention.There are many times when people are searching for work as a college student as a first year at a university or even in a new entry level position at a new company. It is important to put yourself out there to be taken seriously as someone who is very willing to learn and has potential to change careers very soon. This will make an employer think that your resume is up to date and updated as well as to add a bit of professionalism and maybe even a little humor into the job interview.If you are seeking a job as a college student, this will be a very good time to use resume writing for entry level position. F irst, it gives you an opportunity to get some experience in a position that could end up being very beneficial to you later on in life. Next, it can also be helpful if you are able to give a prospective employer a general idea of what type of person you are by showing some of your past accomplishments.For people who are looking for a job in their first year of college or in a new entry level position, you want to make sure that you take the time to put some effort into your resume. The only way to know if a person is the right candidate for a position is to have them put in the time needed. When it comes to making a resume for a potential entry level position, this will show to the person that you have been working on your education and want to go the extra mile to make sure that you will be able to succeed.You can always look back on your career path at any given time and find what can be of value to employers. This can also be a great way to gain employment as well as to get the f eeling of belonging in the workplace. It shows that you are willing to be good to others as well as to yourself.However, you want to be sure that when you are trying to write a resume for entry level position, you don't have too much information. You need to keep it professional but not so much that it is confusing.A resume writing for entry level position can really be a great boost to a successful job search. This will show an employer that you have taken the time to read the resume and know what type of person they are looking for and that you have some specific goals that you want to accomplish with this position.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mindfulness Is Good for Your Career

Mindfulness Is Good for Your Career The holidays are a nice reminder about the importance and the benefits of slowing down a little. In today’s culture of overwork it can be hard to remember what it even feels like not to be super stressed. Whether in spite of this culture or because of it, it seems that conversations about the importance of mindfulness practices for health, wellness, and success have been popping up everywhere you turn lately. In light of that, here are some tips that might help you find mindfulness practices that work for you, which could be good for you and your career. 1. Don’t just do something, sit there. And, breathe. Mindfulness practices aren’t all about doing some kind of activity. Actually, just fostering an awareness of life and living that’s a little different from the usual could make a big difference in the way you think and feel. In our current culture, it seems the solution to everything is to get up and do something about it. But, taking action just for action’s sake could be missing the point. The next time a stressful work crisis comes up and you’re not sure what to do â€" don’t just do something, sit there. Rather than letting emotions (especially negative ones like fear) do the talking, just sit back and center before jumping to a decision. Take 10 deep breaths, or even just one, and focus on your breathing rather than the problem at hand. Even a mindfulness practice as simple as this could help you make a more level-headed choice. 2. Give your undivided attention to humans. These days, we’re all pretty accustomed to doing more than one thing at a time. But, when interacting with others, try putting everything else aside. When you’re in conversation with someone, make an effort to really listen to what they’re saying to you, and show them that they have your full attention by looking at them and responding directly to what they have to say. Sure, you have emails to answer and files to go over, but they can wait. When a living, breathing human is standing right beside you, give them your full, undivided attention. Read More: 5 Fast-Growing Flexible Jobs You Didn’t Know About 3. Step away from the technology once in a while. In essence, mindfulness practices are about focusing and being present. Emails, cell phones, social media, etc., all pull us away from that goal. So, simply start by stepping away from the technology. There are other ways to relieve stress. Technology (checking your email on your phone for example) just kind of pauses the stress, it doesn’t reduce it. Get quieter. Try reading a book. If you’re like a lot of folks these days, you might find it kind of challenging at first. But, if you slow down a little, allow for a few idle moments, and take a bit of a break from all your devices, you might just find yourself more relaxed and present. Just like in the olden days. 4. Do something nice for someone else. Again, mindfulness practices aren’t just about yoga or meditation; mindfulness is really about being fully present in the moment. Connecting in meaningful ways with others is a great step toward this, and being kind to someone else is a great way to connect. The gesture doesn’t have to be grand; even just asking someone how their weekend was and sincerely listening to the response is a step in the right direction. Gearing your mind toward being kind to others is a mindfulness practice in and of itself. Try, every day, to do something to make someone else’s day a little easier. You’ll find that you’re doing something good for yourself at the same time. Read More: 4 Terrible Pieces of Advice for Public Speakers 5. Be aware of transitions when going from one thing to the next. Things that we do every day, like driving to and from work for example, can become so routine that we do them without any awareness at all. Making an attempt toward better mindfulness helps us remember to be present at every step of the day. When commuting to work, be aware that you’re moving from one place to the other. Imagine you’re on a bridge from home to work. Work problems and worries lie on one side of the bridge and home/personal issues lie on the other. These kinds of exercises could help you be more present and aware in each space and at each time of day. Read More: 4 Reasons Why Chasing Money Isn’t the Same as Pursuing Happiness You can do the same kind of thing when going from one client meeting to the next, going to and from lunch, etc. The trick is to bring awareness to every turn of the day, no matter how routine those turns may be. This might lead you toward improved focus, and ultimately better productivity. You might even feel more content and relaxed overall. And, these days, who would turn that down?!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

5 Effective Tips For Landing Your Dream Job That Trump Conventional Advice - Work It Daily

5 Effective Tips For Landing Your Dream Job That Trump Conventional Advice - Work It Daily Do you happen to be in the market for a job? Being thrown in with thousands of job hunters who are in search of the perfect position to jump start their career is hard. Unless you decide to be a freelancer and jump start your practice in ad-hoc office spaces, you will be fighting head on with everyone to get good offers from top companies. Related: The Lazy Job Seeker’s Guide To Getting A Dream Job Dressing up for success, customizing your resume, and pursuing your passions are, among other things, conventional building blocks for success. But, sticking to the formula for success can be a bit outdated. In fact, spicing things up a bit by doing something outside the box can be just the thing that you need to find the right career path. Here are some of the most effective (yet unusual) methods for landing your dream job: 1. Get noticed by offering a solution. Amidst the corporate and industrial warfare, companies are looking for one thing â€"solutions! If you want to land your dream job, do not just wait for it to be offered to you, create the opportunity to grab it with both hands. Pick around two companies that you want to work for, be thorough about studying the field or the industry and discovering the challenges that the company is facing. From this information, you can offer a solution through a public blog or offer it directly. You can give them a glimpse of how you can be of value for them and, after all, you decided to offer your advice for free. 2. Do not send a job application once you find it. When you see a job posting that interests you, you might be eager to send your application. But one of the most dreadful things about looking for a job these days is sending out applications and not hearing back. It would be better if you research the company, get in touch with someone working there, then ask for advice and let them be the one to tell you of the job opening. This way, you can ask where to submit your application and resume. 3. Focus on where the job will lead you. There’s no denying that entry-level jobs can be very unglamorous, but you have to focus not on the current position but on the opportunities that can come with the job. If you work hard for that job, where will it lead you in five years’ time? Instead of thinking of your role, focus on where it would be easier for you to build networks with the industry’s top people, how to add value to that company, and how to ensure that you can be hired internally by the company to handle the position that you have been aiming for. 4. Learn when to use your listening skills in an interview. When you are going for an interview, most people think that they are supposed to be the one to do all the talking. But, just like in real life, the interview is a two way communication process and you should know when to stay quiet and pay close attention to what the interviewer is saying. Know when to ask questions, when to talk and when to listen. 5. Stop following your passion all the time. It has been established in the entire history of humanity that people do not know what they really want. Although following your passion can be a good way to keep you motivated, it should not always be the norm. This doesn’t mean that you have to disregard your passion but be rational about doing so. Passion about your work can develop over time. And, remember that a lot of people who followed their so called passions are stuck with a job that they abhor. These days, finding that job that you would love to wake up for each morning can be a bit difficult to find. And, as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures; it may be high time to employ tactics that go against the grid. However, be sure to know when to use these tips and when not to. Related Posts 3 Clues That Will Help You Find Your Dream Job Discover Your Dream Job With 3 Short Questions Power Up Your Personal Brand To Land Your Dream Job   Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!